The job of a truck driver can be difficult. Throughout the long days, you have to constantly remain on high alert to prevent accidents. You may find yourself feeling stressed out and mentally and physically exhausted. Without proper precautions, burnout will result.
How to Avoid Truck Driver Burnout
1. Exercise
Physical activity is a great way to alleviate stress. Research has shown that exercise helps people relax. Your health will also benefit. Driving is a stationary job that doesn’t require much physical exertion; a sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and adverse events like heart attacks and strokes. Getting your heart rate pumping five days a week for at least 30 minutes will also protect you in this regard.
2. Eat Right
Food fuels you throughout the day. Failing to get the right mix of nutrients and vitamins will leave you exhausted and unfocused behind the wheel — a dangerous combination. Drivers on the brink of burnout may be tempted to indulge in unhealthy habits like fast food. Stick to healthier fare, following the guidelines on the right portion of grains, vegetables, dairy, and meat.
3. Maintain Your Work-Life Balance
Don’t let the temptation to earn more make you work longer than you should. Set aside time for personal hobbies, friends, and family to maintain balance. If you feel yourself getting burnt out, take a vacation. If you don’t already, use electronic logs to prevent overworking; you’ll be required to take regular breaks and get more rest, and your time on the road will be capped at 70 hours.
Hamrick School in Medina, OH, provides CDL classes that are designed to jump-start your trucking career. They provide an accredited education, and their knowledgeable teachers have brought over 10,000 graduates into the industry. Learn more about their truck driver training programs online. If you have questions about their truck driving school, call (330) 239-2229.
OH Reg. #2057
ODPS License #1439-2369