A light-hearted story on the trucking industry news site Transport Topics outlined Earth Day efforts in the trucking industry. The story was a collection of Twitter posts that shared the recognition of Earth Day on the part of truckers and those in the trucking industry.
For example, Daimler Trucks NA (@DiamlerTrucksNA) tweeted the following:
This #EarthDay our team has a new biodiversity garden and greenway trail at our #FCCC facility in Gastonia, S.C
Other groups have similar ceremonies of recognition. Werner Enterprises tweeted that they have conserved more than 120 million gallons of fuel since 2007 and reduced the company’s carbon footprint more than 1.3 million tons.
The Hub Group (@HubGroup) tweeted about their company’s new headquarters, which is Gold certified and built with sustainability in mind, while Port of Baltimore noted that they have solar powered trash cans among their many efforts to be environmentally friendly.
Other companies recognized employees who took measures like riding their bicycles to work, and still others noted tips for being more environmentally conscious, such as keeping tires properly inflated to improve fuel efficiency, recycling efforts, and other similar tips.
In addition, Port of Tacoma noted that they honored Harley Marine Services with the 2015 Environmental Stewardship Summit Award.
There are many things your company can do to recognize efforts to remain environmentally conscious and do their part in keeping the Earth beautiful and safe to live in. Social media is a wonderful outlet for publicizing those efforts and making sure everyone knows about your role in helping the environment.